I finished Eat, Pray, Love this afternoon during our daily rainstorm. Man, it is an amazing book - I hated finishing it. Such an interesting story - I hope she writes another book and soon!
Makes me want to go to Bali and that's plain crazy! Yesterday was busy ... starting at By Design Scrapbook for a class with Debby Schuh. This book is absolutely gorgeous - it's a 7 Gypsies envelope album covered in Anna Griffin papers. I loved it - lots of pockets. We finished it in 3 hours. It was a fun class too - lots of a good chatter and interesting people. Debby is such a nice person and relaxed - great teacher too. Sandy who is also going to CE came and then Anita from Maridawn's - nice to be amongst familiar faces. I hated to leave but we had a family birt
hday party last night and I still had two cakes to make! I made a white cake with whipped cream frosting - I think that is going to be my favorite cake now. I used heavy whipping cream for the frosting and it was divine. The other cake was a German Chocolate with traditional coconut pecan icing. Does anyone know why a german chocolate cake crumbles? Made me sort of crazy - I guess I beat it too much. We have spaghetti pie and lots of yummy munchies. Our family spends a good hour at the hor devours table - my hubby never understood that but he was right up there with the best of 'em last night. Lots of presents and cake and everyone was happy - it was a fun night. But alot of work... I was tired today. I finally got busy around 3 and listed 4 different items on Craigslist. I've SOLD two of them already! Yippee - me likes craigslist. It's such a great way to get rid of stuff and make some cash. And no fees - that's the best part. I also ran a load of car load of donations to the local shelter called Turning Point for homeless over 55. Feels good to help those folks. Now the back of my car is empty and ready to be loaded up next weekend when we go to Canton! Yipee for First Monday and then on Saturday to Shreveport for a little bit of gambling. My kind of weekend! Now, I've just got to make it through the week.
Cool project, Peggy!
Hi Peggy,
I can't wait to meet you at CE. Jeanne say's I"m really going to like you.LOL
Cute dog! You really should try to get him to break the smoking habit. Dog breath is bad enough already.
Nan Gudenkauf
Peggy,Good to meet you in Houston -- looking forward to meeting up again at CE! Maybe we'll even share another class :>). Pam
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